Jump Start (Instant Start)

It goes without saying that cars are made better than ever before but there is still one constant with them. No car will start unless an electrical charge is sent to the engine to get them running.

That’s why it’s important to have a properly charged car battery. Even though batteries are very reliable, the same cannot always be said by those that operate vehicles. Lights get left on, doors are left ajar, music players are accidentally not turned off, and more.

These things will all drain a battery over time and then the car will not start. That leaves a person with two choices to get their car started. The first is that you can wait for what may be hours for a tow company to arrive and jump-start your vehicle.

The better and quick option is being able to call a jump starter service. That way you can be back on your way after suffering a dead battery in just a few minutes.

Book a Quick Jump Start